Look mom no hands!

Quite a few things happened on this holiday.

Julie and me got engaged, that bit we've covered, however Jus didn't quite have the fun/action holiday that he was hoping for.

On the FIRST day, we went out in the morning, Rob and me on ski's, Jus and Ru on snowboards. Absolutely rarin' to go we were so we were up on the first lifts to the top of the Biolley. It took the 'boarders' a little while to get back into the groove, but they got steadily quicker and me & Rob had to wait less and less for them.

After a few frosties and a good lunch they had a lesson booked so Rob and me went off to do a bit of serious ski-in'. (Well Rob did I just tried to follow him!)
Twenty minutes into his lesson, Jus had a huge off. Here's the scans of the X-rays that they took at the resort's medical center. The one on the left is the one they took as soon as they got him in there (and calmed him down enough to go near him). The one on the right was taken once they'd wrenched him around quite a lot.

I think they speak for themselves really.